Come At Me Bro... I Dare You!

To the MLM gurus and trainers who are the vultures and hyenas of this industry.
Picking over the half eaten carcasses and  draining the last savings of the decent hopeful people you exploit for your own greedy profit.

People like

Don Faila
Mark Yarnell- he is dead now
Randy Gage
Richard Brooke
Tom Big Al Shrieter
Eric Worre
Ray Higdon

And my all time personal favorite ... Only because she took me on a 6 month ride to nowhere that cost me over $2000!
Kim Klaver.

A little backstory about my experience with Kim:

When I came back to rebuild my business after 13 years doing nothing other than collecting a residual bonus check I might add. I was feeling pretty overwhelmed at all the changes in the industry since 2004, so I thought I would enlist the help of one of these experts, Kim Klaver, because I had known about her for a long time and her big thing is how to sell a product.  That's all I really wanted to do was start selling the product again and let people who had a good experience, start to organically refer other people whom I could help. That was my reason and I was willing to pay her over $2,000 in 6 $337 monthly installments to do it.  I mistakenly thought for that kind of scratch she would actually personally help me with some specific strategies because I was paying her $337 a month for 6 month contract in order to get personal individualized help. The only thing she helped me do was make my wallet easier to lift. Now if you think I'm just grinding an axe or spouting a personal grievance on this video then you do not understand my intent.

I wrote an email to her detailing my experience and how she defrauded me in this, and she never answered me. So I gave her the opportunity to rectify the situation which she didn't. She still is luring people into a false sense that she can help them. She's a con artist of the worst kind, if you see her online... RUN!!.

These industry experts don't care if you are in a legal or an illegal opportunity. They don't care if it is a crappy worthless digital product or an overpriced cosmetic or nutritional as long as there is a dream in your heart coupled with your ability to pay their fee to "help" you... Then you are an easy target for them to manipulate and exploit.
These guys are gurus in the MLM industry they can't spot an illegal pyramid scheme or a company with a poorly conceived niche market?

I am not a guru and I have been pretty good at identifying pyramids and forecasting any program's long term viability.

So what gives me the standing to challenge these so called elite experts who have earned more money than me in network marketing?
Bank robbers have earned more than me at robbing banks also but I have every right to call their ethics into question.

There is a huge aspect to their consulting businesses that they are intentionally neglecting and that is not advising someone to give up a bad or illegal program. Because if they did that you would no longer need their services!

They are generic trainers and their only concern is that they can teach you principles which can be used in any company that employs a multi-level Compensation Plan. Even if they believed the company that you're promoting is illegal or has no long-term viability to acquire and retain customers.

Anytime you want to stop listening you are welcome to do so...
I have had several people in my business earn 6 figures annually and some even over 1 million over time but they have either quit altogether or are all gone but I'm still here.

It's not my lack of ability or intelligence that has held me back in this industry it's my conscience and my ethics.

I can assure you that if I wanted to learn the rudimentary marketing procedures to manipulate a prospect into doing my bidding, I would have no problem mastering those skills. In the early years of my network marketing career  those were the only types of teachers I listened to...they  were the trainers in the 80s and 90s.  But I do not want to be accountable for those sleazy manipulative actions anymore. I would prefer to be destitute. To me acquiring wealth at the expense of surrendering of my principles, would betray everything I profess as a moral person and believer in God.

This is why I believe I am qualified to say the things I do about MLM. Everyone talks about change but to me the solutions are simple. Merely Giving  Lip service to a problem when the obvious remedy will destroy your business model is not only hypocritical, it borders on the criminally liable.

And that's why I'm calling out these trainers. They can call me whatever they want be it a loser or cry baby or bitter or jealous. It's a free country they have a right to their opinion just like I have a right to mine.

I have had a subdued anger that has been seething inside me for the past 3 years since I came out of that 13 year self imposed retirement from the building my own network marketing business.

MLM trainers have always had just 1 goal. To convince you that no matter in what company you are involved if you are struggling then their training is the key to make you
 "rich beyond the dreams of avarice"

They do not care in what objectively stupid business you are involved.... It doesn't are pursuing a blind goal to build a down line. That is the only criteria required for you to enlist their expert advice in achieving what they know is an unrealistic outcome.

Residual income? These gurus talk about that like its a certainty in any and every company ... That is so far removed from reality and the truth that it is laughable.

I've said this before and I'm going to say it again and again and again. If their training is so good and it created that magical residual income, which is the bait they use on the hook to reel you into their boat, why aren't they building a downline in one of these great companies that they tell you you can create a residual income in? Let that sink in. They would rather work for a linear income from Consulting fees? They would rather trade their time for dollars? But they don't really.  They just create digital content and they don't actually give people specific advice. What they mostly sell  are their training systems. That are all pretty much the same the only difference is their personality. Because I've looked at them in the last 25 years.

 When I bring someone on my team I spend time with them giving them legitimate business training. There's plenty of people that have written books about generic network marketing. I don't have to duplicate that ideology. The Math Works in every company and there's only so many ways you can get that point across before it's either permanently embedded in their psyche or they don't understand it all together. You have to start with that in order to get people to go to work. But at the end of the day if you don't have a product that people will purchase without a Compensation Plan Rewarding them for recruiting and building teams ... then you're going to have a cycle of recruitment and dropouts and Recruitment and dropouts.

That's why they teach the generic things that they do. Because they can be applied to any company with any product or service or even if it's just information that you're selling.

Learn business principles and apply those to your network marketing opportunity if you are in a good company, and there are good companies. That will really set you apart that's what sets me apart. That's what I'm recruiting for, a real business that is going to be a huge customer Gathering machine. And I'm looking for help. Just like a regular business owner does. I'm putting my help wanted sign out today and I'm asking you to come and work with me to build a customer Gathering machine for this product that I've been selling for 26 years. I still have people ordering this product after 25 years in many cases in my organization. These were the people who were involved with the business. But they got tired of the network marketing game just like I did so all they did was go back to ordering in the products which is what got them involved with the business to begin with anyway. Because they love these products and they can't live without them... that creates real opportunity. I'm like nothing else in this industry. Come and look at what I have to create a true residual income. See for yourself if you believe it has a long-term potential.



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