"This will be a Game Changer for MLM" .... "We are changing the game of MLM"... Oh Really?🙄 As many times as I've repeatedly heard that pronouncement, it has lost all it's teeth and gotten to the point where it doesn't mean anything anymore. Its just another standard phrase in the MLM hustler's toolbox. That is why I am reluctant to use it. But even though massive change is a real thing that happens... Most don't know how one happens and they are usually never predicted ahead of time. Covid changed and continues to change many games, but nobody saw or predicted what it would do, even after it began. It will most likely have far reaching effects for everyone for many years. Network Marketing Gurus Prophets and Soothsayers All seem to market some game-changing "theory", but nothing really has changed that much in the way it is done, which has statistically led to the same abysmal results of network marketing for the everyday normal peop...